2nd CISO Symposium Bringing Knowledge Together

08 dec 2022
Auteur: HSD Foundation

On Thursday the 8th of December the full CISO/CIO network of SecurityDelta’s intervision groups was invited for the second annual CISO Symposium.. This time it was live at the HSD Campus in the Hague. As always, the symposium had a number of interactive presentations to help CISOs/CIOs get the tools, information and resources that allow them to look further and deeper than their day-to-day business. Another aim was to get the first input to create an even more beneficial community of peers from 2023!


Themes and speakers

Speaker Hans Klos, director and founder of HSD Partner Scalys, gave a presentation about additional security for hybrid working. Since the pandemic people have been working from home more often, and this can entail some risks. Are people using the same safety measures at home as they do at work? And are those safety measures safe enough? To answer those questions, Hans provided a couple of methods and techniques to correctly secure your home workplace. 


Speakers Dr. Martijn Dekker, CISO of ABN AMRO, and Dr. Elif Kiesow Cortez presented the whitepaper of HSD’s partner HCL Tech live for the first time. ‘The importance of cybersecurity management and cyber resilience in financial services’ gives an insight on the trends and risks in cybersecurity for business organizations since the pandemic, by interviewing multiple CISO’s and CIO’s. ‘Cybersecurity and cyberresilience is not only a quality of your IT estate, it is also a quality of your entire organization.’ The whitepaper is also posted on our website


Cross-Sectorial CISO intervision sessions

Several times a year HSD organises cross-sectorial CISO Intervision Sessions, where small groups of CISOs (generally from non-vendors) come together to share knowledge, discuss challenges and share insights. Would you like to join? Please contact info@thehaguesecuritydelta.com.


Schermafbeelding 2023 05 11 om 15.04.32Schermafbeelding 2023 05 11 om 15.04.35

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