200,000 euros Available for Innovative Big Data Security Solutions

23 mei 2016
Auteur: HSD Foundation

How can growing, unstructured and changing data be used? This is the topic of the 2016 edition of the Security Innovation Competition (Veilgheid Innovatie Competitie; VIC 2016). SMEs and startups are challenged by the Ministry of Security and Justice, the Ministry of Defence, the National Police and the Royal Marechaussee to come up with original ideas related to intelligent data visualisation. The winner receives 200,000 euros and the opportunity to further develop their idea together with one of these parties.


On 30 June an information session on VIC 2016 will be held in Auditorim De Yp in The Hague. More information about this session and about VIC 2016 in general can be found here.


Deadline for submitting your proposal is 5 September. The winner will be announced during the Innovation Conference Security and Justice on 22 November 2016.

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