NAIN-Consortium Publishes Report About State of Dutch Language Technologies

08 nov 2021
Auteur: HSD Foundation

The NAIN-consortium (Dutch AI for the Dutch language) has presented a report about the current state of Dutch language technologies in the Netherlands and Flanders. The consortium involves HSD and several partners including NL AIC (Dutch AI Coalition), TNO and AI Hub South-Holland. Its most important purpose is to improve existing algorithms so that they better function regarding the Dutch language and attached AI-technologies. NAIN has the aim to improve the performance of language and speaking technologies, solve restrictions on data sharing, making the Dutch language technologies less dependent on foreign multinationals, and to increase longing demand for cooperation between companies on this topic.


Collaboration on this topic is very important because existing alogrithms are not well enough trained for the Dutch language, which exists of multiple dialects within the whole Dutch-speaking area. It is a problem that exists within the whole public sector and in all Dutch speaking interactions within the market. Several organisations try to solve problems and improve performance, but they often try it separately, which lacks efficiency. Therefore, an overarching way of collaboration is needed.


The report is an important starting point for further work that can be done in the coming five years to develop well-functioning Dutch language technologies. These are applicable for multiple domains such as education, healthcare, the commercial sector, culture/media and more.


Read everything about the state of the Dutch language technologies and plans for the upcoming years here.


For more information, please contact Marlou Snelders via


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