Homeland Security & Cyber Security Meetup Event

22 juni 2017
09:00u - 17:00u
Bureau Economische & Handelszaken, Embassy of Israel

How can we respond to the growing security needs in our rapidly digitising and globalising world? The answer to this question can be found at the HLS & Cyber event on 22 June 2017 in Rotterdam, Presenting Israeli security solutions. The event will be looking at the latest trends and developments in cyber and physical security and is organised by the Economic Department of the Embassy of Israel in cooperation with the Israel Export & Cooperation Institute, the Israeli Cyber Bureau, the Ministry of Economy and Trade from Israel and the Enterprise Europe Network.


As a world-leading technology provider, Israel’s security is founded on innovative technologies, operationally proven methodologies and comprehensive training and qualification of human resources. The solutions provided by Israeli companies are often customised and balanced to meet specific customer requirements. These solutions rely on extensive operational experience in countering terror and management of emergencies, gained through years of cooperation with government agencies.


Main topics:

  • Physical/Homeland Security (HLS)
  • Cyber (IT & OT)


For who?

The HLS & Cyber Meetup is targeted towards security decision makers from key sectors. The goal of this event is to share capabilities and explore cooperation with allies and partners. Listen to interesting speakers, pre-schedule meetings with Israeli security companies of your choice and engage with the speakers in a panel with the opportunity for Q&A.


Pre-arranged B2B meetings and keynote speakers

The programme will run from 09:00-17:00. With Pre-arranged B2B meetings and the following keynote speakers:

  • Rob Wainwright, Director of Europol
  • Mena Bacharach, former Brig. Gen. of the Israeli Security Service
  • Rene de Vries, Harbour Master of the Port of Rotterdam
  • Nir Peleg, Head of R&D Division of the Israel National Cyber Bureau


Register here for attending the pre-arranged B2B meetings.


* Please note that spaces are limited. Your participation will only be finalised upon receiving a confirmation per email. We reserve the right to select participants to our discretion.


Meet and engage with Israeli (cyber) security companies and learn from each other’s experience at HLS&Cyber on June 22.

Betrokken HSD partners