Dutch Cyber Delegation to Taiwan
Positioned strategically in the global supply chain, Taiwan plays a pivotal role, particularly in the semiconductor and ICT industries. With such a special economic and geopolitical position in the world, also challenges arise – in the first half of 2024 there were 15.000 cyberattacks detected per second.
Despite these threats, Taiwan's resilience and innovation in the high-tech sectors contribute significantly to shape its digital transformation. Based on the developments in the cyber security landscapes of the Netherlands and Taiwan, its similarities, but also complementary strengths in ICT hardware and software applications, we will explore new R&D and/or business opportunities.
The Representative Office of the Netherlands in Taipei, InnovationQuarter, NFIA and HSD, are organising a follow-up visit to Taiwan following the recent incoming missions from Taiwan. This mission is also a follow-up to the NL-Taiwan cyber security roadmap, which included a 2024 visit.
The purpose of the mission is threefold:
1. At its core, it is about knowledge exchange and the consolidation of already established contacts between the Netherlands and Taiwan based on public-private cooperation around cyber innovations and cyber resilience.
2. The mission is also about exploring potential business opportunities in and with Taiwan for Dutch companies/organisations. Part of this is learning what the local ecosystem is all about.
3. The last part is aimed at acquiring companies from Taiwan to the Netherlands, with InnovationQuarter and NFIA in the lead for this.
Target group
Companies and research institute (from NL) that have visited Taiwan before (f.e. during an earlier mission) and those that have expressed an interest in doing business in Taiwan.
Tentative programme (to be confirmed):
- Sunday – flight to Taiwan
- Monday - Eco-system exploration - company visit / cluster organisations / welcome dinner in the evening
- Tuesday - Visit to CYBERSEC / participation in an evening activity after the fair.
- We are still exploring the options with the Representative Office for this.
- Wednesday - Visit to CYBERSEC / company visit
- Attend the Dutch delegation's keynote -> CISO of Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS) Dimitri van Zantvliet will deliver the keynote and will travel with our delegation
- Thursday - Networking afternoon with local Taiwanese companies
- Friday - Debriefing at the end of the afternoon
- Possible return trip to NL
Note: travel and accommodation costs are for your own expense.
For questions, contact Paul Coumans via paul.coumans@securitydelta.nl.