Trends, Challenges & Strategy in Forensic Science

22 apr 2013
Auteur: HSD Foundation

The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has invited the Chief Executive Officer of the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), Tjark Tjin-A-Tsoi, to put pen to paper in order to share his experiences and reflections about leading and managing one of the most successful forensic institutes in the world.


The whitepaper "Trends, Challenges and Strategy in Forensic Science" provides an insight in current trends and challenges in the forensics sector and describes what actions the NFI is taking to meet each challenge and trend.


In November 2012 the NFI and NIST have reached an agreement to collaborate with the goal to improve forensic research. The two parties will work together on important topics such as research and development, the development of forensic standards, education and training, and forensic management. Please click here to access the whitepaper 'Trends, Challenges and Strategy in Forensic Science'.

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