Update: Activities Multiyear Roadmap Cyber Security US 2020-2023

04 nov 2021
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Did you know that in order to grow the Dutch Cyber Security sector in a sustainable way and becoming one of the world’s top cybersecurity clusters, HSD, InnovationQuarter (IQ), RVO, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the NL embassy and consulates are running a  multiyear cybersecurity programme towards the United States?


This roadmap -developed in 2020 after the RSA Conference- aims to collectively guide Dutch cybersecurity projects, initiatives and companies getting access to the US market. And in addition increase the overall stakeholder network in the US that commit to the Netherlands as cybersecurity gateway to Europe and strengthening knowledge exchange between the US and NL.


Click here for an update of the activities within this programme.

The update includes last year’s US Market Analysis on the DMV area and new exciting events coming up such as the RSA Conference and the Cyber Security in Fintech Round Table. We have also added information about the opportunities for business expansion within the Partners for International Business (PIB) programme or the Holland in the Valley/Scale NL programme.


More info 

If you have any questions about the US activities or if you would like to join this programme, please contact bert.feskens@securitydelta.nl

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