Security Delta Starts Sectoral Approach to Make Entrepreneurs Cyber Resilient

10 dec 2021
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Entrepreneurs paying high amounts to regain access to their data or closing their (web)shops, because of hackers attacking their companies. The number of cyber-attacks has risen sharply in recent years. However, entrepreneurs do not always feel the need to protect themselves against cybercrime. Therefore, Security Delta (HSD) starts a programme to enhance cyber resilience among entrepreneurs in six essential sectors in the region of South-Holland. To achieve this, HSD has received funding from the Metropolitan Region Rotterdam The Hague (MRDH) on 9 December 2021.


Saskia Noordewier, head Innovation Liaisons at HSD: "We will focus on the Life Sciences & Health, Water, Logistics, Manufacturing, Maritime/Port, and Aerospace & Aviation sectors. We first identify the concrete needs for digital security in these sectors and make an analysis. We then retrieve specific cyber security issues and, as an independent party, we link organisations to cyber security experts who can help to answer these questions. By organising market consultation sessions and round tables. In addition, we will set up the basic structure for a cyber resilience centre for the Life & Sciences sector. Like we are currently doing for the horticultural sector in close collaboration with Greenport West-Holland, 7 businesses, the Hague University of Applied Sciences and the Province of South-Holland. In this way we want to contribute to the security of our digitising society in close collaboration with many parties."



Increase in cyber attacks

The 23 municipalities in the Metropolitan Region Rotterdam The Hague have been focusing on sophisticated digital accessibility in the region for several years. They do this by sharing knowledge and investing in living labs that test new digital technologies. Good digital connections contribute to the economic business climate of the region. However, secure digital connectivity is just as important as having stable fast connections wherever you are. The costs that entrepreneurs face after a cyber-attack are high. In South-Holland it varies between two to four billion euros per year. Every year, 20% of SMEs are affected by a successful cyber-attack, according to the study 'Cyber readiness for the economy of the Province of South-Holland', which was carried out in 2020 on behalf of the Economic Board South-Holland.


Saskia Bruines, portfolio holder Digitisation within MRDH: "By raising awareness of the risks, maintaining knowledge, focusing on prevention, and offering help after a cyber-attack, we want to make entrepreneurs more resilient to cybercrime. If the number of robberies in shopping streets increases, you also make sure that your security or alarm system is updated. This also applies to cybercrime. Digital security is a must.”


Cyber Resilience Centre Life & Sciences

Life & Sciences is a large and important cluster in South-Holland with around 200,000 jobs and nearly 18,000 companies, and strongly represented in The Hague, Delft and Rotterdam. The sector makes extensive use of data (such as patient data) and Artificial Intelligence. But also during the development of new medicine and products security against data theft, such as intellectual property, is important. In this sector, HSD is setting up the basis for a cyber resilience centre in close collaboration with many parties from within the field. The centre will be the place where entrepreneurs and institutions can amongst others ask for information to prevent cyber-attacks. A quartermaster will shape the start of this centre. HSD is already implementing this approach in the horticultural sector and is willing to introduce it for other sectors as well.


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