SBIR Call Artificial Intelligence for Public Services

11 apr 2019
Auteur: HSD Foundation

This is a call for companies to develop innovative and new products for the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the public sector. Deadline for submitting a quotation is 3 June 2019.


On 10 April, RVO, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice and Security have opened a new SBIR call for Artificial Intelligence. The goal of this SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) is to stimulate and strengthen the power of innovation in the public domain around the AI-theme. With this call, they would like to stimulate companies to develop products and services for the government, with the aim of governments making more and better use of artificial intelligence. The connection between the technological solution and the possibilities of application for a public party are very important. The combat of the societal challenge is at the center; not the technology. There are many opportunities in the domain of safety and security. AI can be used in other areas as well, such as public space, the social domain, education, etcetera. At the end of this trajectory companies develop and test prototypes in an experimental garden. 


The call if for phase 1: feasibility research. For an explanation of the phases and the procedure, visit 'Hoe werkt SBIR?'. The minister of Internal Affairs (BZK) and the minister of Justice and Security (JenV) are offering a maximum budget of € 300.000 (including tax) together. The maximum amount per feasibility research (phase 1) is €15.000 (including tax).


The amount of projects to receive funding in phase 1 depends on the price and the quality of the best assessed quotations in this phase. The budget for phase 2 is yet to be announced. 


Submitting a quotation

From 10 April 2019 to 3 June 2019, 13:00 hrs you are able to submit a quotation. The quotation has to clearly state the field of policy that it is regarding to and which public party you will be cooperating with in the experimental garden. All documents of the fundings can be found on


Information- and matchmaking meeting

On Friday 10 May 2019 from 9:30 to 14:00 hrs, an information and matchmaking lunch gathering is organised at the Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( in The Hague. 

You can apply for this lunch until 6 May 2019 by writing an email to, stating your phone number and organisation. Also governments are invited for this meeting. Within this call public-private cooperation is emphased. It is important that the prototypes are tested in phase 2 in the experimental gardens at public organisations such as municipalities, provinces, execution organisations, etcetera.   

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