HSD Launches New Responsive Website

11 apr 2016
Auteur: HSD Foundation

The last few months we have worked hard behind the scenes on the development of the new HSD website. Because of the many activities within the security cluster, we were rapidly outgrowing our website. That is why today we proudly present to you the new HSD portal website. The new website is the place to be when you are searching for security related topics and developments. It gives you a clear overview and information on news, reports, innovation projects, vacancies, events and more. Access to knowledge, market, talent and capital are key elements to create innovative security solutions, that is why information about these elements is also available on the website from now on. Also: the information about the HSD partners is more elaborate. It provides detailed information about the HSD partners, the topics they are working on and their activities within the security cluster. This makes it easier to find new business partners.


New Features

Besides the themes, now called ‘communities’ (national security, urban security, cyber security, critical infrastructures, and forensics) we also provide information on trending topics in the field of security, such as drones, event security and financial crime. You can find these topics here. On the community pages a unique feature is available showing a (inter)national newsfeed. This newsfeed will keep you posted on new developments world wide on this theme. Are you looking for knowledge partners? On the new website we have posted an overview.


HackerOne Tested the Security of the New Website – What are the Results?

In addition to the Guideline Responsible Disclosure published by the NCSC, HSD has a Responsible Disclosure Policy. We take the security of our website and systems very seriously. Despite our efforts to secure our website and systems, there could still be weak spots. That is why we have asked HSD partner HackerOne to test the new HSD website during a hackathon of one week. Hackers from different parts of the world were invited to search for weak parts within the system. No weak incidents were reported. HSD was advised to keep our content management system up to date in order to secure the strength of the website. Are you looking for knowledge partners? On the new website we have posted an overview.


Call: Share & Submit Your Content

One of our goals is to create more visibility of what is happening within the Dutch security cluster and what the achievements are. We cannot do this without your cooperation. This is why from now on it is possible to share and submit your content regarding relevant news, events, projects and reports. So are you organising an event or have you launched a report, let us know and submit your content here.


Feedback Wanted
All in all we sincerely hope the new website will give you information on the subjects of interest. We are very curious to find out what you think about the website. If you have any remarks or if you are missing information, please let us know via: info@thehaguesecuritydelta.com


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