Discount HSD partners for NRC Live 'The SMART Society' on the Impact of IoT

21 mrt 2017
Auteur: HSD Foundation

HSD is endorsing partner of NRC Live ‘The smart society’ on the impact of the Internet of Things (IoT), which will take place on 13 April in Rotterdam. The event focusses on how we can take the next step in our connected world of smart cities, smart houses and smart industry. And the many opportunities offered by the digital transformation of business and society.


During this event Max Remerie, Innovation Liason at HSD, and Elsine van Os from Signpost Six will explain how The Internet of Things can improve daily live but also how it makes us vulnerable.


IoT offers many opportunities and solutions for various domains, such as energy and environment, safety, health, industry, retail and public space. But the development of IoT and the openness of the internet also make us vulnerable. Cyber crime, cyber terrorism and cyber war can impact our infrastructure.


Max Remerie will explain more about the possibilities of a National Cyber Testbed, where the digital security of critical infrastructure can be tested and improved. Here organisations can test and defend themselves against the dangers of the Internet of Things, but it also offers new business opportunities.


According to HSD partner Elsine van Os "The Human Mind is the New Battleground in Cybersecurity ….and we're not ready". Read her opinion here (in Dutch)


You can learn more about: 

• What are the consequences of the digital transformation in sectors, such as industry, healthcare, commerce and the public domain?

• How can government and industry address the cyber security dangers in the connected environment?

• The truly smart city: how can you create economic and social value with IoT data?

• How can you transform IoT applications to a sound business case?


Discount for HSD partners 

Interested in visiting this NRC live event on 13 April? HSD partners can get a special HSD discount.



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