HSD Campus Launches New Website

22 apr 2021
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Over the last couple of months a lot of work has been done to improve the design, facilities and visibililty of the HSD Campus in the Hague. "As the Dutch innovation centre for security, we are committed to create an inspiring environment where people can easily make connections and collaborate", according to Yvonne van den Broek, HSD Campus manager.

"People can use the HSD Campus as permanent/flexible office space, event location and perfect meeting spot for experts, students and entrepreneurs in the security domein. Accelerated and facilitated by the HSD Office providing access to knowledge, market, capital, talent and innovations with their programmes".


As of today a new website is live: www.hsdcampus.nl and you can follow the HSD Campus on LinkedIn and Facebook. During the summer the restyling of the HSD Campus will be finished and there will be invested in activities to activate the HSD Campus community. The restyling is created in close collaboration with the tenants.


More info 

Want to know more about the possibities of the HSD Campus? Visit the new website here or contact Miloud Achahbar, Account Manager Cybersecurity of the City of The Hague via +31(0)6-50088729 or miloud.achahbar@denhaag.nl. (The City of The Hague exploits the HSD Campus)








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