Hardware Security Conference and Training (HSD Partner Discount)

09 sept 2019
Auteur: HSD Foundation

hardwear.io is organizing its 5th Hardware Security Conference & Training event in The Hague from 23 till 27 September. Researchers from across the world will present on the topics like SD card hacking, Bluetooth 5 hacking, DoS attack against CAN, hacking pre-obd car, vulnerabilities in 4G & 5G networks, FIB attacks, speculative execution bugs, TTIG-868 teardown, etc.


Hackers, researchers, pentesters, professionals, and university students will gather to discuss and solve hardware security issues. The objective of the conference revolves around key concerns in hardware, firmware and related protocols i.e. backdoors, exploits, trust and attacks (BETA).

Trammell Hudson and John Walker will be one of the keynotespeakers at the event. More speakers can be find at https://hardwear.io/netherlands-2019/speakers.php


Hacking contest

hardwear.io will also host 5-day long hardware hacking contest called hardpwn where researchers will get rewarded for finding bugs in devices from Google, Nest & Noke. This contest will also have a hardware teardown workshop where expert guidance will be given on hardware hacking. You can find more info about hardpwn here.


Discount for HSD partners

The Hague Security Delta is endorsing partner of Hardwear.io and therefore HSD Partners receive a special 10% discount on registration with code HWHSD.


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