Graduation of Interdisciplinary Master Cyber Security

11 feb 2019
Auteur: HSD Foundation

On Thursday 7 February the graduation of the executive master degree in Cyber Security took place at the HSD Campus. A programme by Leiden University in cooperation with the University of Delft and The Hague University of Applied Sciences. The degree was awarded to fourteen students that passed the master with flying colours.


Each graduate was invited to the front by the thesis supervisor. The supervisor told a short story about the journey for the student to be able to reach this degree. A few times the words ‘cum laude’ and ‘paper potential’ were mentioned, an indicator that this cohort also is a talented group. A graduate that wishes to remain anonymous commented on the enthusiams of both the lecturers and the students: ‘You learn a lot from each other and because the study is kept within a small group, it is easier to approach the lecturer if you have questions’.



John van Veenhuizen: ‘As Head of Information at the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee I have a busy life. I work 60 hours per week and combining work and education was quite difficult at times. Your weekends look different from what you would want because of your study. I really enjoyed the executive Master Cyber Security. You focus on Cyber Security, but from multiple perspectives. That is what makes the study very enjoyable and educative.'


The words of John van Veenhuizen were confirmed by another student of the cohort. ‘This master Cyber Security is multidisciplinary. In the study attention is paid to both the technological as the judicial, administrative, economic and psychological aspects of digital safety. This teaches you to establish links.’


Click here to read the Dutch press release. 

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