Cyberwerf Project Ready for Next Phase

27 sept 2019
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Before the summer, seven ICT-students of ROC-Mondriaan developed the Cyberwerf Security Scan and tested it at various SME companies located on the Zichtenburg, Kerketuinen and Dekkershoek (ZKD) Business Park in The Hague. This pilot was received enthusiastically and, as a result, the Cyberwerf project is now ready for the next phase.


For the upcoming six months, the next steps are:


  • to report the individual test results back to each SME company and collect feedback;
  • to fine-tune the set-up of the security scan and produce a final release;
  • to encourage more SME companies at the ZKD business park to join the project;
  • to sustain the learning-in-practice experience in the curriculum of the School for ICT of ROC-Mondriaan; and
  • to grow Cyberwerf step-by-step to maturity in terms of people, organisation and funding so that it can be scaled up to other business park locations in The Hague and the wider region of Province Zuid-Holland.


Cyber security awareness

This hybrid education project on the ZKD Business Park in The Hague, gives SMEs the opportunity to find out if their company is protected against cybercrime. Many SMEs do not have sufficient knowledge to properly assess the risks of cybercrime. By using the ‘scan’, possible vulnerabilities in the digital infrastructure can be detected. In addition, Cyberwerf offers selected ICT-students a hybrid learning environment. The students are supervised in (a) developing the skills that allow them to detect risks when visiting a company; and (b) providing advice as to how to seek professional help where necessary.  



A student: "You are not learning anything specific, but you can look at important aspects in the field of ICT at a number of companies. This also makes it clear what you need to pay extra attention to at school."


An entrepreneur: "We have our ICT and security well on track. However, there were some points of attention. They became very clear during the interview."


Cyberwerf was launched in 2018 with support from the Economic Board The Hague, the City of The Hague and Deloitte. It was initiated by ROC Mondriaan, Kenniscentrum Integrale Veiligheid Foundation, the ZKD business park and HSD Office.


Cyberwerf has been nominated for the Computable Awards 2019 as ICT-project of the year for SME-companies.


This project is part of the Human Capital Programme of HSD Office and one of the projects of the Human Capital Agenda Security published earlier this year.


More information on Cyberwerf.

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