Cyber security portrait of The Netherlands: IT vulnerability at high level

03 juli 2013
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Cyber criminality and digital espionage enduringly pose high risks to the Dutch government and business world, as stated in the report - "Cyber Security Beeld Nederland (CBSN-3)" - that Minister Opstelten presented to the Parliament. Additionally, the risk of cyber attacks on online services has increased significantly. Past year, the scope of the criminal cyber service industry has grown and become more visible. Public and private parties undertake both joint and individual action to increase the digital resilience with the goal to tackle the dependency on ICT and the changing threats. It is believed that many organisations are not fully prepared against such threats. The cyber domain is also a big topic within The Hague Security Delta, where public & private organisations and knowledge institutes work collaboratively to increase awareness about cyber security and to find innovative solutions to mitigate risk.


Read more about cyber security within The Hague Security Delta
Read the report "Cyber Security Beeld Nederland (CBSN-3)"

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