CW Greenport and Royal FloraHolland Launch 'Cyber Subscription'

08 nov 2023
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Cyber Resilience Centre Greenport and Royal FloraHolland have launched a unique 'Cyber Subsciption' for the Royal FloraHolland community: from members, suppliers to buyers. André van der Linden, CIO Royal FloraHolland, and Joris den Bruinen, director Security Delta (HSD), announced the news during the Trade Fair taking place from 7-9 November in Aalsmeer. It marks an important step in enhancing the cyber resilience of the floriculture chain. With the 'Royal FloraHolland Cyber Subscription' organisations will receive regular cyber updates, practical tools, threat information and access to events.


Due to chain dependence (supply, cultivation, trade), the entire sector suffers if one of the partners is unable to deliver due to a cyber incident. Increasing cyber resilience in the floriculture sector and increasing awareness is essential on the route to a digitally secure sector. To contribute to this, Royal FloraHolland is one of the initiators of the Cyber Resilience Center Greenport. This initiative, together with other chain partners, is committed to a digitally secure horticultural cluster.


Royal FloraHolland Cyber Subscription

With the 'Royal FloraHolland Cyber Subcription' Royal FloraHolland and CW Greenport want to support these organisations and want to get more organisations involved in increasing their cyber resilience. The subscription is free of costs and provides access to information to enhance the cybersecuity of your organisation, practical tools and access to events and threat intel. More info about the 'Cyber Subscription' (in Dutch). 


Cyber Session during Trade Fair Aalsmeer

During the Trade Fair Aalsmeer, CW Greenport also organised two cyber sessions 'Together Cyber Secure'. Participants were provided with valuable insights and practical tips to protect their business and the whole chain against cybercriminals.



The Cyber Resilience Centre Greenport is an initiative of Delphy, Dutch Fresh Port, Royal FloraHolland, Glastuinbouw Nederland, Greenport West-Holland, GroentenFruit Huis, Hoogendoorn Automatisering, Interpolis-Achmea, Security Delta (HSD), het Digital Trust Center, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Provincie Zuid-Holland and the city of The Hague (Kansen voor West II). More info:


Photo: André van der Linden (Royal FloraHolland), Joris den Bruinen (Security Delta), Woody Maijers (Greenport West Holland), Bas Wevers (Royal FloraHolland), Anne Visser (Security Delta)


More info about the Cyber Subscription. #CyberResilientTogether #SamenCyberweerbaar


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