Call for Interest: ‘Partners for International Business' (PIB) Cyber Security India

22 mrt 2018
Auteur: HSD Foundation

India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. With an expected average GDP growth of 7% for the coming years, India offers a lot of potential for Dutch companies. Due to recent cyber attacks on critical infrastructures, India is preparing itself to become more resilient to these attacks. Programmes are being set up on a large scale to train government staff in their knowledge and skills in the field of ICT and cyber security. Cyber Security Centres of Excellence are being set up in several federal states and the Indian (regional) government is looking for partnerships with relevant international partners.


Partners for International Business (PIB) India - Cyber Security 

Because of this potential, the municipality of The Hague, the national government and HSD Office are exploring the possibility of starting a Partners for International Business (PIB) programme from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). This 3-year programme aims to position leading Dutch sectors in opportunity rich markets abroad. Within a PIB, partners will stand strong by collectively planning and visiting key organisations and companies. Matchmaking is part of the process. Group members receive personalised guidance.


Join the info session: 10 April 2018 

To explore the interest of businesses and knowledge institutions in this PIB, a preparatory meeting ‘PIB Cyber Security India’ will be organised at the HSD Campus on Tuesday 10 April from 12.00-13.30. During this meeting, the purpose, the deadline and other conditions will be explained, including the advantages for organisations. Please register here for the event.


Activities NL - India

In the recent years, the municipality of The Hague, the national government, InnovationQuarter and HSD Office have worked intensively on the connection with the Indian cyber security ecosystem and have built up relevant networks. These contacts can and want to contribute to the expansion of Dutch cyber security companies in India. (Get an overview of the activities here).


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