Announced: Second Edition NATO Europol Cyber Security Summer School

12 nov 2015
Auteur: HSD Foundation

After evaluating the 2015 edition of the International Cyber Security Summer School, NATO NCI AgencyEuropol and HSD have decided to host another edition in 2016. This edition is planned for Monday 21 August until Friday 26 August. Interested in participating in the ICSSS 2016? Please pre-register here. This way you will receive an update as soon as additional information is available.

Cyber Security Summer School
The summer school’s aim is to prepare upcoming talent for a career in international organisations that are dealing with new challenges in cyber security. The first edition took place this summer and consisted of a three-day programme filled with interesting lectures, insiders’ perspectives, challenging group assignments and fun social activities including company visits and excursions. For more information about the 2015 edition, visit the website or read the article in Security Management Magazine (Note: article in Dutch)

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