American Investment Fund to Settle in the Twente Region

21 mei 2014
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Investment agency Cottonwood Technology Fund will invest up to 30 million euros in innovative start-ups in the Twente region this year. The founding partners of the Twente region include the University of Twente, PPM Oost, Twente Region and Thales. It is Cottonwood's expectation to expand these initial funds of €10 million to €30 million through the addition of more regional and multinational partners during the remainder of the year. Just like Thales, also founding partner of The Hague Security Delta, these new partners will benefit from the access Cottonwood provides to emerging technologies in both the US and Europe.


The reason to invest in the Twente region is because of the presence of highly educated personel, and technology and capacity of worldclass. Together social and economic growth will be stimulated.


The investment in the Twente region is also good news for the regions of Eindhoven and The Hague because of the collaboration between these regions.


Read more and watch the Dutch video.