6 Winners SBIR Cyber Security II Phase 2
Six security innovations have made it into the second phase of the SBIR Cyber Security II. They will each receive a budget of maximum 200k euro to further develop their innovation. This funding has been made available by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
The SBIR Cyber Security II is a cooperation between the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Security & Justice, Home Affairs, Defence, and Infrastructure and Environment. RVO is responsible for running the programme that is aimed at building trust and improving the security of IT infrastructures in order to make the Netherlands more cyber resilient.
The companies behind the six ideas will work together with 13 other companies and 5 knowledge institutions in the coming 1.5 years. They will present their prototypes in the second half of 2016, after which the products will be marketed.
The winning innovations are:
- Cryptovaluta (analytics software for Bitcoin and other encrypted financial transactions)
- Bring Your Own Security (BYOS) (a smartphone that can be used for two-factor authentication)
- IC3D (an open platform for cyber security trainings)
- CyberSCAN (scan methodology that can be used to map the network infrastructure of large geographic areas)
- VCR (proactive visual content detective for online criminal activities)
- Innovalor (Near Field Communication technology to check ID cards and passports with a cheap mobile unit).
More information about SBIR Cyber Security can be found here (in Dutch).