Hackathon for Good 2022 Opens Call for Challenges

05 juli 2022
Auteur: HSD Foundation

The Hackathon for Good is returning to The Hague for its fifth edition. 200 hackers will be gathered from 19 to 27 November to use data, AI and talent to generate solutions to societal issues and challenges. From mitigating urban floods, to detecting misinformation. From combatting financial fraud, to preventing food waste and predicting energy supply. A Call for Challenges has been opened, allowing anyone with an interesting case to submit a challenge until 17 July.

Challenges will be selected near the end of July challenges and announced publicly. You have the opportunity to submit a problem in your field of interest which contributes to the vision for doing good. Joining as a challenge owner means you get access to 200 talented software developers, data scientists and engineers. During the hackathon week, multiple teams will be working on your challenge for 48 hours straight.


Submitted challenges should conform to a few criteria. Amongst others, they must be SDG-related and solvable with AI & data within a timespan of 48 hours. As a challenge owner, you are committing to the hackathon, before, during and after.


Hackathon for Good is organized by The Hague Tech and WorldStartup, in collaboration with the Hague’s innovation ecosystem consisting of the many innovation hubs and programs in The Hague like Impact City, The Hague Security Delta, The Hague Humanity Hub and YES!Delft. For more information, see: https://www.hackathonforgood.org/news/submit-challenge-before-17-july




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