Woman’s Rights Network KARAMA Opens European Head Office at HSD Campus International Centre

03 okt 2017
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Arabic network for woman’s rights KARAMA opened their new European head office at the HSD Campus International Centre this week.


From out of the World Trade Centre The Hague, where the International department of the HSD campus is located and in the heart of the IT-community of The Hague, members of KARAMA are pleading with risk for own lives against ISIS and Al Qaida in Syria, Libia and Yemen, and fight for woman’s rights in Arabic country’s.

The Hague deputy mayor Saskia Bruines, Member of Parliament Han ten Broeke (VVD), entrepreneur Ad Koole and Corinne Heijn of United Success and member of the Advisory Board Karama Europe did the official opening. Also KARAMA-activist Zahra Langhi attended the festivities.


Women standing strong together
The UN-accredited women network KARAMA (Arabic for dignity) is active in North-Africa and the Middle-East. KARAMA fights for improving the position and rights of women in the Arabic world and brings women- and societal organisations together. She gives women a voice, informs and helps them to organise themselves better. The daily activities of the KARAMA-members are complicated by frequent death threats and targeted attacks by extremists against these social active women.


Secure communication close

Elisabeth van der Steenhoven, director KARAMA Europe: “We have moved our European head office from Brussel to The Hague, because in The Hague the diversity of important and innovative aspects comes together. The presence of the Peace Palace and the International Criminal Court (ICC/CPI) in this city corresponds with our campaigns for justice during and after conflict.” For KARAMA it’s important to communicate secure on- and offline. That’s why being located at the HSD Campus provides them with access to and connect with innovative startups and company’s specialised in secure IT systems.

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