TÜV Nederland and Perfect Day Launch Cyber Security Collaboration for Insurance Market
As of today, insurers and insurance advisers can use Cyber Smart Business to map the digital and data risks of their business customers. The joint proposition of certification and inspection body TÜV Nederland and Perfect Day offers help to small and medium-sized companies to get a better grip on their digital security. Cyber Smart Business is in line with the Digital Safety Risk Class Classification that a consortium consisting of, among others, the Dutch Association of Insurers and CCV launched earlier this month.
Shift of risks
For both parties it is paramount that this service is applicable for the entrepreneur, the insurance advisor and the insurer. “We see a shift from physical risks to digital risks across the market. This will continue to increase in the coming years. This is not only a challenge for companies, but also for the insurance industry ”, explains Reijer van Woudenbergh, Sales & Marketing Manager Perfect Day, the independent cyber company for SMEs of Nationale-Nederlanden. “Cyber Smart Business primarily helps SMEs move forward. It is imperative that they set a higher standard for their digital security. ”
Continuation of Risk Class Classification Digital Security
Cyber Smart Business is based on a jointly developed model in which cyber and data security in a broad sense are scrutinized. The service is a logical continuation of the Digital Security Risk Class Classification, which consists of 11 questions and 4 risk categories. “These questions are an excellent starting point for an SME,” says Remco Bosch, Manager Security & Risk Inspections at TÜV Nederland. “In practice, however, you will see that the need arises to keep going. Cyber Smart Business is a logical next step.
5 Pillars
How does this work in practice? A cyber expert from Perfect Day visits the company. He assesses the digital risks on the basis of 5 pillars: information technology (IT), operational technology (OT), people, legislation (AVG and Wbni) and emergency process. He then helps the entrepreneur to solve the problem in collaboration with his own IT supplier. TÜV Nederland carries out an independent inspection of the implementation, completeness of substantiation and results.
Insurance industry
Cyber Smart Business has been developed for the insurance industry. “This is a reliable way for insurers to test what risk they are taking into their books,” Bosch explains. “And not only that,” adds Van Woudenbergh, “for insurance advisers it is a total solution to be able to tick the point of digital security in the duty of care for the customer at once. But ultimately Cyber Smart Business is suitable for every entrepreneur. Anyone who wants to take cyber & data security seriously and also want to propagate this to customers or clients and suppliers, must think ahead in the field of cyber security.”