HotHardWare Features the Netherlands’ Latest Security Research

07 jan 2015
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Following a tour of the Hague Security Delta, a reporter for online tech publication, HotHardWare, published a feature on the Hague’s efforts to prevent digital security threats in the Netherlands.

A collaborative effort between Dutch businesses, the government, and several research institutions, the Hague Security Delta (HSD) works to identify emerging security threats, share best practices, and foster collaboration between industry, governments, and universities.

Among the security threats currently under investigation by HSD research teams is the growth of mobile malware, which has increased with the spread of third-party app stores.

In its approach to issues of security, the HSD is a great example of “the degree to which government, business, and research teams collaborate on common goals” in the Netherlands.

“Based on what we saw,” the author wrote, “there's real strength to the Dutch model.”

Source: HotHardware and NFIA

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