State Secretary Knops Visits HSD

19 juni 2020
Auteur: HSD Foundation

On 18 June, State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations Raymond Knops visited the Dutch Security Cluster HSD. The ministry is amongst others responsible for the ‘digital society and digital Government of the Netherlands’ (NL DIGIbeter). The delegation of the Ministry was informed about public-private collaboration within the HSD ecosystem. The innovation programme Open Source Datia Diode (OSDD) was highlighted and the subject digital government was discussed. A topic that especially during the Corona crisis becomes increasingly important. 


In line with the call of Knops in April 2020, to stimulate Dutch government software to be predominantly open source, the HSD innovation programme Open Source Data Diode was highlighted. An initiative of the Ministry of Defence and HSD Office in collaboration with several HSD partners. A data diode is a device (hardware & software) that makes data transfer possible in only one direction. Thus, data diodes can protect networks and systems against external cyber threats. 


Marcel Smits (innovation centre FRONT) explained that when they started the programme data diodes were only aimed at the highly classified domain. By making available a low end, low cost open source data diode, we wanted to broaden the market and enhance the digital security of our society. So that also (local) governments, corporates, SMEs, and people at home can use this device.


Gertie Arts, strategic advisor resilience at the ministry of Defence: “Collaboration with partners such as HSD, BZK, start-ups and the business community offers new opportunities to accelerate the cyber security of the Netherlands faster with open source innovations."


In addition, there were talks about the role of the digital government where viewpoints where exchanged. In this context, Pieter Jansen (CEO from Cybersprint) spoke about its activities in the Tech Against Corona initiative, where Dutch tech companies offer free support for the government and healthcare in the fight against Corona. 


Bezoek Staatssecretaris Knops aan HSD


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