Security Delta (HSD) Presents Annual Plan 2023

06 dec 2022
Auteur: HSD Foundation
During the annual meeting on 8 December HSD presented the annual plan for 2023. In this annual plan, we have set out our ambitions for 2023 and explain how we want to further shape the course we have set with our community.
In 2023, we want to continue to focus on the three main programme lines: Cybersecurity & Resilience, Data & AI/Intel and Smart Safe Cities, while taking into account the preconditions of public values, privacy, ethics and security by design. The goal is to further strengthen our digitising world in collaboration with our partners and to explore how to mindfully apply new the application of technology and data for security. In addition, we want to increase impact with our programmes and celebrate the 10th anniversary of HSD.


Annual plan 2023: highlights

1) Cybersecurity & resilience
We support the new National Cyber Security Strategy and make a further contribution to the development of a vision for a 'Cyber Campus NL' as a physical place for cyber operations, knowledge & innovation and talent.

In 2023 we will strengthen and expand the Cyber Resilience Center Greenport and export this format to other sectors, such as the Lifescience & Health/Biotech sector and, if appropriate, to Transport, Water and the Manufacturing industry. In addition, we will scale up from regional to national level. For continuity of these activities, we seek additional financial coverage. We will work on cyber resilience of SMEs in the 'Cyber Kracht' programme with the allocated subsidies from Kansen voor West2, MRDH and DTC.

We will execute the existing cybersecurity innovation programmes, such as OT-security, BEC fraud/cybercrime OM & Police,'cyber innovations with Defense' and crossovers with AI and blockchain. We want to create consortia and, through the consortia, create impact.

We are investing in further collaboration with among others the NCSC, DTC, Connect2Trust, DIVD, Dutch AI Coalition, Dcypher, Province of South Holland, InnovationQuarter, municipalities of The Hague and Rotterdam, MRDH, FERM/haven Rotterdam, Cyberveilig Nederland, Cyberweerbaarheidscentrum Brainport and Center for Security & Digitalization (CVD).


2) Data & AI/Intel: leveraging emerging technologies for security, peace and justice
We continue our national role as chair and secretary/coordinator of the Working Group of Security, Peace and Justice within the Netherlands AI Coalition (NLAIC). This is a dual role with the programme around Data & Intelligence within the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda Security of the central government. We drive innovation projects in which AI, data and intelligence technologies are deployed. Examples are technologies for privacy-proof and digitally secure information sharing, decision support and deployment of language and speech technology. We take into account the ethical, legal and governance preconditions we take into account through ELSA labs. We help to further map the field of needs and stakeholders and we provide dissemination of the knowledge gained as well as contribute to the scaling up of successes at both national and international level.

3) Smart Secure Cities

We aim for safe and security municipalities and assist in exploring the necessary preconditions of such a society. In 2023, we continue to do this by contributing to the Smart Secure Cities programme, primarily through the Impact Coalition Safety & Security (ICSS). 

We are looking into opportunities to scale up solutions to other cities. Themes that will be addressed include crowd management, deployment and control of drones, secure data sharing, cybersecurity of infrastructure, and the ethical, social and privacy issues in developing smart secure cities. 


Click here for the annual plan 2023 (in Dutch).

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