Peter Den Oudsten on the Security Innovation Competition 2014

04 sept 2014
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Peter Den Oudsten, mayor of Enschede and chairman of the Security Region Twente, was recently interviewed by the NCTV about the Security Innovation Competition 2014. The Security Innovation Competition, a cooperation between the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Security and Justice, started in May and will finish in November 2014. The competition’s goal is to stimulate innovation in the security sector and is meant specifically for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The deadline is September 19th 2014 and the participating businesses are challenged to find innovative security solutions. A contract worth € 200.000,-, provided by both Ministries, is available for the winner.


Den Oudsten sees the importance of innovative security solutions and argues that: “the Security Innovation Competition is an excellent initiative and a good example that public sector and non-public sector parties are aiming to cooperate. I definitely welcome initiatives and means to support innovation.” He also mentions the triple helix approach: “Tripe helix cooperation within security regions makes it possible to create connections that lead to innovations”.


Click here to read the full interview (in Dutch).


For more information about the Security Innovation Competition click here

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