Now Available: HSD Collaboration Model for Security Innovations (in English)

25 sept 2018
Auteur: HSD Foundation

In 2017, HSD Office published the ‘HSD Samenwerkingsmodel voor Veiligheidsinnovaties’, describing the visionmethod and instruments HSD uses in creating, promoting and supporting triple-helix collaboration in the field of security. Collaboration between businesses, governments and knowledge institutes is key to come to innovative security solutions. The brochure is now available in English: the ‘HSD Collaboration Model for Security Innovations’.


The Netherlands is an attractive country to live, work and invest in. Security here creates the conditions for social stability and economic development. Security is an important social and economic sector; innovation and job creation constitute two sides of the same coin. A condition for success is that the business community, knowledge institutes and government must collectively and continuously devote effort to this. This so-called triple-helix collaboration is necessary but not self-evident. The objective of this brochure is to clarify what organisations can expect if they are going to work in and together with The Hague Security Delta and to show best-practices for security innovation.


More information?

For more information about the HSD Model for Security Innovations you can contact Bert Feskens (HSD Innovation Liaison) via bert.feskens@thehaguesecuritydelta

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