NFI is Pushing for Innovative Solutions

29 apr 2013
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Exposing and researching invisible traces to the eye at the crime scene. This might sound futuristic, but the NFI is expecting that this will become reality within a short time-frame. CEO of the NFI, Tjark Tjin-A-Tsoi is certain the crime scenes will look much more different in a decade or two than it is today. The NFI already did research regarding this subject under the name CSI The Hague and is now hoping to realise it with its new project called CSI Innovations. As the name reveals, this project is to open doors to new forensic research methods.

Variuous Dutch national newspapers have covered this article with great publicity. To read the full articles please click on the following links: 1, 2, 3, 4. (note: articles in Dutch)

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