New Institute For Financial Crime Established in The Hague

28 mei 2015
Auteur: HSD Foundation

The Hague welcomes the new Institute for Financial Crime. On Thursday, the 28th of May, the official launch of the IFFC took place in the Peace Palace in the Hague, accompanied by several leaders in the field of financial- economic crime prevention. The organisation will focus on innovative solutions for financial-economic crime like fraud and corruption. The knowledge institution has settled at the HSD Campus, the national innovation centre for security in the Hague.


Deputy Mayor Ingrid van Engelshoven: ‘’The Institute for Financial Crime is unique in the Netherlands and at home in the Hague, the city of Peace, justice and Security. An institute which fights against fraud and corruption will find the partners it needs to do so in The Hague.”


The goal of the IFFC is to impartially bring together and support persons and organisations that combat fraud and corruption. The institute will for example organise seminars, fora, expert meetings, research projects and education for fraud professionals. Van Engelshoven: ‘’This is why choosing to settle at the HSD Campus was a logical choice for the IFFC, as this is thé place where businesses, governments and knowledge institutions from across the country come together to share knowledge and develop innovations in the field of security.’’ The IFFC is guided by initiative-taker Arthur de Groot - forensic accountant, former fraud accountant for the Central Recherche Information Service (CRI) and involved with the set up of Forensic and Disputes Services at EY and Deloitte- ‘’There is a momentum for better combatting against fraud and corruption. The goal of the new institute: a safer society. This ambition is needed.’’


Click here for more information about IFFC (in Dutch) and watch the animation.


Read the article in NRC (in Dutch)

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