New HSD Premium Partner: Strict

28 mei 2018
Auteur: HSD Foundation

HSD welcomes Strict as a new Premium Partner. Strict helps organisations to plan and implement an integrated security approach. This leverages the power of information networks to improve business operations, mission performance and customer support, without compromising security or privacy. With their Cyber Crime Security Scan, they can map the threat profile of organisations.


“We commit ourselves to deliver the best results for our customers” says Jeroen Roosien, Director of Strict Cyber Security. “By becoming an HSD Premium Partner we are able to broaden our knowledge and expertise which in turn, enables us to keep our promise towards our customers.”  

Strict became HSD Premium Partner to get in touch with peers in the industry and to exchange knowledge and expertise regarding cyber security and privacy.


International collaboration
Strict is collaborating with HSD to enable itself to connect with large international organizations that are looking for a reliable partner to secure the entire organisation together with its stakeholders, meeting all compliancy regulations. HSD offers a large network of businesses, governments and knowledge institutions that work together on innovative security solutions and knowledge development. For Strict, HSD plays an important role in realising its ambition: creating a more safe & secure world. 


Photo: Jeroen Roosien, Director Strict Cyber Security

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