National Cybersecurity Awareness Survey Secure Online 2020

02 okt 2020
Auteur: HSD Foundation

On 1 October, State Secretary Mona Keijzer (EZK) launched the annual Alert Online awareness campaign, in which 300 public-private partners such as the national government, municipalities, business, police and knowledge institutions participate. The campaign appears to be desperately needed. During the webinar, the results of the annual cybersecurity awareness survey 'secure online' were presented. The research was commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK).


In the past year, the number of police reports of cybercrime increased by 66 percent, entrepreneurs and knowledge institutions had to deal with ransomware and the economic damage was correspondingly incurred. Nevertheless, the Dutch themselves think they are well aware of their digital security and estimate their chance is low to be harmed by online risks.  


Corona Effects
The research shows that working from home as a result of corona is a potential weak spot for companies. Entrepreneurs and institutions usually do many things to have digital security in order. But their employees at home do not always (almost 1 in 3 cases) change passwords of routers or modems. Moreover, there are often other, digitally unsafe smart devices in the home network.


Risk Awareness

The research shows that there is a clear difference between Dutch people who are really well informed about the technical aspects of the internet and those who embrace the digital world as part of social life.

The first group prefers not to share (too) much information about themselves online, because they are well aware of what can be done with personal data. The latter group is not always aware of digital risks or does not want to see them. They have no problem sharing information about themselves online.


These frequent users of social media, for example, find discussions about privacy complicated, do not see the consequences and do not believe they are bothered by them. They prefer to avoid the risks of their behavior and are therefore relatively at risk.


Download the full research (in Dutch)

Read the official press release (in Dutch)




 Online Kick-Off session Alert Online


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