Key names from the security sector gather for innovation

10 okt 2013
Auteur: HSD Foundation


Today, minister Opstelten opened the congress “Veilig door Innovatie”, where around 500 professionals gather to share their knowledge on security and innovation. The congress is organized by HSD-partner theNational Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism. Important representatives from major Dutch cities, ministries, universities and government agencies are all present to kick-off a common innovation agenda for security. Already the municipality of The Hague, together with the European Regional Development Fund, launched severalinitiatives to stimulate innovation in security via The Hague Security Delta, including the HSD Development Fund and the HSD Campus. Similarly, the ministry of Security and Justice has made vast amounts available for their respective innovation fund to help stimulate projects that contribute to a safer and more secure society.


Please visit the official website of the congress for more information:



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