Join Smart Cities-Mission to New York!

12 mrt 2019
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Are you active in the field of Smart Cities within the themes urban mobility, resilience, circular economy, bigdata and cybersecurity? And are you in search of expansion or business opportunities in the New York region or the United States? The Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( gives you the opportunity to join the innovation mission to New York.


The goal of the innovation mission is to put the Dutch Smart Cities sectors on the map in the north-east of the US. RVO is specifically looking for upscale projects (technological solutions that address a societal problem), that are possible to integrate within American cities.


Smart Cities tracks

Smart Cities missions offer a platform where -around concrete urban challenges- prepositions are presented/specified that lead to international innovation and trade. With the mission, RVO would like to present your offer and ambitions as specific as possible by emphasising the connection with the challenges of the cities on the American east coast:

  • Sustainable urban development
  • Mitigation and adaption
  • Improve mobility
  • Fight a growing income gap
  • Continue to work on safety and accessibility


That is why Smart Cities is devided into three themes (tracks):

  • Circular Economy- powered by Amsterdam Trade & Innovate
  • Resilience (climate, water and energy)- powered by Rotterdam Partners
  • Smart & Green Urban Mobility- powered by Brainport Eindhoven


In all tracks the covering themes such as civil engagement, cybersecurity and big data will be addressed.



The programme starts on Sunday 12 May with an interactive kick-off. From 13 to 15 May, the Netherlands is present at the Smart Cities New York conference with a national booth. Apart from the conference there is the opportunity to pitch. There also will be – specifically for the Dutch delegation relevant side events such as workshops, match making sessions, roundtable meetings and a European Tech Night. Finally, an extensive bootcamp programme will be organised for start- and scale-ups.


Mission leader and business delegation leader

Deputy prime minister and minister of Home Affairs and Royal Relationships Kajsa Ollongren represents the Dutch Smart Cities at a few moments. The minister emphasises the importance of an integrative approach for the urban planning where data and technologies are applied in a safe and democratic manner. Henk de Jong (general manager PBLQ) is the business delegation leader. Because of his experiences at, for example, the municipality of Amsterdam, advisory bureau CrustYoung in New York and the National Police, Henk de Jong will – if requested- advise you in the development of your international Smart Cities propositions and play a connecting part in the search for (cooperating)partners.


Interested to join this mission? Register now! You can register until 30 March.

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