Introducing Cybil: the Cyber Capacity Building Knowledge Portal

02 nov 2020
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Did you know that our Alliance Partner the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) has launched 'Cybil': a knowledge platform for the international cyber capacity building (CCB) community? It is the place where members of the international CCB community can find and share expertise to support the design and delivery of capacity building projects and activities. Cybil also acts as a source for civil society and academia in line with the GFCE community’s commitment to transparency and inclusion.


The overall aim of Cybil is to establish a neutral, open and globally-owned multi-stakeholder knowledge-sharing platform that allows for:

• The sharing of data, information and results of global cyber capacity building efforts;

• Ensuring transparent access to data and information on cyber capacity building tools with a simple user interface;

• The integration of existing resources and information that are already available;

• A more effective use of cyber capacity building resources for capacity building programming by the global GFCE community;

• The harmonisation of cyber capacity building initiatives and capacity building approaches;

• Ensuring accessibility through the Portal’s design and implementation;

• Making use of existing resources and information that is already available in order to avoid duplication of efforts.


Cybil is structured around 4 types of content:

• Projects – A repository of past and present international cyber capacity building projects;

• Tools – A collection of resources to help design and deliver international cyber capacity building projects;

• Publications – Lessons learnt, outcomes and research about international cyber capacity building;

• Actors – Profiles of governments, companies, organisations and other actors involved in international cyber capacity building.

• Events – Details of events relating to cyber capacity building from around the world.


Cybil is developed and managed by the Cybil Portal Group, consisting of the GFCE Knowledge Partners including the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), DiploFoundation, FIRST, the Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre (GCSCC), the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) and the GFCE Secretariat. If you would like to learn more about Cybil, visit 

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