Increasing the Supply for IT- and Security Specialists by Educating People with Autism

10 nov 2017
Auteur: HSD Foundation

There are many vacancies for IT- and Security specialists, and the demand is still growing. However, many intelligent people are at home without a job. For instance, thousands of young autists are not in paid jobs even though they are often very intelligent and willing to work. The reason is often because they could not finish their education on regular schools or because they have trouble finding a job. Education institute ITvitae educates people with autism to become IT-specialists in the fields of datascience, software development and testing, and cyber security. This way, the supply for IT- and Security specialists will grow.


People with autism are often especially suited for jobs as programmer or ethical hacker due to their high intelligence, interest in computer technology and strong focus. The success of this study programme lies within the fact that the students are amongst equals, and therefore they can be themselves and feel comfortable. Moreover, ITvitae mediates effectively between their students and future employers. That way, they make sure that the student is placed within a company that takes their personal strengths and weaknesses into account to create an effective and comfortable work-environment for both employer and employee.


As part of the Human Capital Actionagenda (HCA), HSD is proud to welcome ITvitae as partner. The Human Capital Agenda, set up in cooperation with- and for HSD partners, aims to create access to talent. ITvitae contributes to the HCA goals of stimulating retraining programmes to grow the talent pool, and increase the number of students that choose for a career in cyber security.


Since the start of 2013, ITvitae has educated 150 students with autism successfully, who are now working as IT-specialists. ITvitae's graduates are also working for HSD partners: National Police, Nováccent, Thales, FoxIT and Cybersprint.  Furthermore, new group started the study to become cybersecurity specialists at ITvitae.


Source: AD

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