HSD Responsible Disclosure: Bhavesh Thakur Reported a Vulnerability in Server

03 juli 2019
Auteur: HSD Foundation

HSD has a Responsible Disclosure Policy for its IT systems. Recently, Bhavesh Thakur  (a lead solutions advisor for Deloitte India) reported a vulnerability in the HSD Website, showing the importance of having such a policy. It concerns a vulnerability in the server.


Our website developer Maaike Media quickly took action and solved the issue. We are very grateful for their expertise and professional response. 


The HSD Responsible Disclosure Policy is based on the Guideline Responsible Disclosure published by the NCSC and was introduced after the HSD Café on Ethical Hacking and Responsible Disclosure during the Cyber Security Week 2015.


Thank you Bhavesh Thakur for pointing out this vulnerability! 

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