HSD Partners Only: Meet n’ Eat Session HSD

23 mei 2017
Auteur: HSD Foundation

On 29 May at the HSD Meet n’ Eat session, the World Startup Factory is going to give a sneak preview of a new security startup accelerator and scale up programme!


The Hague Security Delta and the World Startup Factory (WSF) are setting up this programme for national and international security startups. Would you like to learn more about the opportunities within this programme and how its going to change the security innovation landscape in the region? Come and meet the WSF and more partners! We would like to meet you at the HSD Meet ‘n Eat from 11.30 – 13.00 hrs at the HSD Campus.


Are you interested in giving a short elevator pitch during the lunch? Please follow the registration procedure and send an email to: sofia.elbahia@thehaguesecuritydelta.com or bert.feskens@thehaguesecuritydelta.com


If you have any suggestions on this event please let us know! You can contact Sofia el Bahia or Bert Feskens.


Click here for the normal registration.

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