3 HSD Partners in Top 25 Blue Tulip Awards

15 jan 2020
Auteur: HSD Foundation

At the beginning of September 2019, entrepreneurs and businesses could register their start-up initiatives for the Blue Tulip Awards, the successor of the Accenture Innovation Awards. On 14 January, the top 25 innovators for the eight themes of the Blue Tulip Awards 2020 were announced. HSD Partners Oddity.ai, Scalys and SIM-CI have been nominated in the category security.


The top 25 innovations per theme were chosen by a group of esteemed jury members. Using an online jury voting tool, the jury members narrowed down the list of over 600 innovative concepts. 


Save the Dates: 

- On 13 February, the jury will select the 10 most innovative concepts per each theme. 

- On 12 March, the jury decides on the five concepts that make it to the finals.

- On 17 April, the best innovations per category will be announced during the Blue Tullip Awards Final event.


For more information on the Blue Tulip Awards, click here.

For more information on the innovations of Oddity.ai, Scalys and SIM-CI, click here.


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