Five New Premium HSD Partners Present their Challenges on Security of Critical Infrastructures during HSD Café

26 jan 2017
Auteur: HSD Foundation

During our HSD Café on Trends in critical infrastructure on 26 January deputy mayor Ingrid van Engelshoven welcomed the five new Premium Partners : “We are very proud that we can welcome these organisations to our network. In this way, HSD becomes more and more a leading platform where demand and supply on security issues come together. The community will also provide opportunities to share insights  and knowledge and work together on innovations for security. Not only as the city of The Hague, one of the founding fathers of HSD, but also on behalf of the 250 other partners of HSD: a warm welcome!”


Resillient cities

As critical infrastructures are essential for the functioning of our society and economy,  Ingrid van Engelshoven stressed that cities also have a challenge in protecting the their critical infrastructure in a world that is getting more digital each day. With the digitalisation, The Internet of Things and Smart Cities developments,  cyber security  becomes an important issue also for The city of The Hague. Working on the Resillience strategy of The Hague, HSD partners will get the opportunity to share their ideas on this challenge.


New partners

The new Premium partners Alliander, Cisco Systems, De Nederlandsche Bank, Huawei Technologies Nederland and Stedin presented their challenges on their critical infrastructure.

  • Alliander is responsible for the distribution of energy. Customers rely on the secure and continuous distribution of energy;

  • Cisco develops integrated solutions for critical infrastructures and connects these networks;

  • De Nederlandsche Bank is commited to financial stability and therefore relies on a secure payment structure;

  • Huawei Technologies Netherlands develops network and IT-solutions that support secure and stable IT infrastructures;

  • Stedin is responsible for the distribution of energy and therefore needs a stable and secure infrastructure.

5 new premium partners


Many organisations visited the HSD Café and participated in the discussions, shared their thoughts on the challenges presented and also came up with possible solutions. In this way, it was possible to bring together the demand and supply on the subject of protecting critical infrastructures. In order to secure the infrastructure it is important to stay up to date with the latest innovations in the field of security, fraude and cyber.


Jaap Meijer, CSO at Huawei Netherlands: “As a supplier of network equipment, cyber security is a crucial and fundamental part of our corporate strategy. Supplying secure, simple and at the same time equal entrance to our information services is our first responsibility. That is why we find it important that HSD organises events like the HSD Café to raise awareness on this topic. We try to participate as much as possible in this and work together with governments, customers and partners in an open way to deal with the challenges and risks surrounding cyber security. “


presenting and discussing HSD Cafe

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