First Proof of Concept for HSD Development Fund Project ‘Digital Evidence Dashboard’

13 mei 2015
Auteur: HSD Foundation

On the 20th and 21st of April 2015, nine representatives of investigative agencies have stated their opinion about the concepts of the‘’Digital Evidence Dashboard’’, a project funded by the HSD Development Fund. This took place at the TNO usability lab in Soesterberg. The project members of TNO guided the participants through the developed concepts, supported by the project members of Tracks Inspector and In-pact.


About Project DED

The project ‘’Digital Evidence Dashboard (DED)’’ started at the beginning of this year and is made possible by the HSD Development fund from the municipality of The Hague. DED is working towards a new way to investigate the data of captivated digital media: a supporting digital dashboard has to make it possible that a broader group of detectives can investigate within captivated digital data. The aim is to avoid the overcharging of digital experts (not being able to fulfil the information need of detectives)


The developed concepts


Click here to find out more (in Dutch)

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