Eight European Security Clusters Join Forces for a More Secure Europe

05 mei 2021
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Last week, during the Munich Cyber Security Conference 2021, HSD and eight other European security clusters announced their collaboration through engaging in a variety of cross-border EU security initiatives, fostering research and innovation to cement and enrich the competitiveness of the European market. The collaboration is called the EnSure Collaborative and is a network of clusters, interconnecting their local security and safety ecosystems, people and infrastructures. 


Forming a European collaboration space 

EnSure Collaborative comprises Europe’s leading security and safety clusters, bringing together the continent’s finest skills and competences across science, academia, business and the public sector.


Joint international R&D and innovation projects within the framework of Horizon Europe are just one outcome of this initiative, contributing to the common European effort in achieving expertise and technological progress within the digital agenda of the EU Commission. 


EnSure Collaborative covers a variety of sectors and topics. While security and safety are fundamental for any digital service and system, the group’s work also addresses:


  • Aerospace systems (drones, air systems, and satellite applications for security missions)
  • Information and cyber security
  • Disaster resilience and innovations for law enforcement and border security
  • Critical infrastructures security
  • Dual-use defense technologies for the civil sector

Logo EnSure 


EnSure contributes to the creation of a secure and safe digital ecosystem in Europe. 


The participating clusters have been engaged in creating and developing EnSure Collaborative since 2015, its founding members are:



Currently they represent over 1500 businesses, universities, research institutes and public agencies across five countries. EnSure Collaborative is an open network and welcomes dedicated new clusters.

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