Cyber Security Week 2015: a Unique Opportunity for Cyber Business Promotion

11 feb 2015
Auteur: HSD Foundation

In the same week as the Global Conference on CyberSpace (GCCS2015) and One Conference, a Cyber Security Week (13 till 17 April) will be held at the Campus of The Hague Security Delta, the largest security cluster in Europe. Aim is to show the world the innovative strength of The Netherlands created by the triple helix cooperation within the security cluster. During this week, The Hague Security Delta will be putting on an action-packed programme consisting of workshops, debates, networking events, and many  other side-events.  And, of course, the Cyber Security Week 2015 just wouldn't be complete without an Innovation Room with demonstrations of innovations in cyber security. To create a unique programme for our visitors from around the world, we are looking for participation of  businesses, governments, and knowledge institutions working on Cyber Security.

Call for participation
Many organisations have already announced that they want to give presentations, host ´challenges´, participate in the Innovation Room by demonstrating innovative new products or to contribute in another way. We'd like to give everyone the opportunity to make their ideas known, and in doing so, help us make the Cyber Security Week 2015 a resounding success!

Furthermore, you are welcome to visit the Cyber Security Week, bring your partners, and meet with the key players in the cyber security domain.

If you've got ideas for our programming or would like to participate in the Innovation Room, please let us know before February 19th by contacting the Cyber Security Week’s Project Leader  Mary-Jo de Leeuw
T: +31 (0)6 28 101 441

Tentative Programme Cyber Security Week at the HSD Campus
- Innovation Room (15 – 16 April)
- Trade Delegation (13 – 15 April)
- Knowledge & Education Day (13 April)
- Workshops & Debates (13 – 17 April)
- National Investment Seminar (16 – 17 April)
- B2B matchmaking & Networking (15  – 16 April)

Cyber Security Week Website
A special website will be launched by the end of February. It will provide an overview of the activities on the HSD Campus during the Cyber Security Week and is the place to register for attendance. The logo´s of the participating partners will also be placed on the site. You are welcome to have a sneak preview at 

Innovation Room: 15 & 16 April
On Wednesday and Thursday of the Cyber Security Week 2015, around twenty businesses, governments, and knowledge institutions will present their latest cyber security innovations. Interactive stands will be set up to demonstrate these.

On Wednesday, the Innovation Room will also be organised in combination with Hague Talks, a series of short, brain teasing presentations from cyber security experts and other interesting speakers. Visitors will include professionals, GCCS2015 delegates, students, and investors.

Criteria Participation Innovation Room
If you want to (inter)nationally expose your cyber security innovation during the Innovation Room, please consider the following criteria that have been imposed for exhibitors:
1.Organisations must be operational in the field of cyber security.
2.Exhibitors must present  innovations in this same field, e.g. research, proposals ,or demonstrations.
3.These should preferably be made visual.
4.They should ideally have been developed as part of a public private partnership (PPP).

HSD will select the participating exhibitors.
Since we can only host twenty organisations in our Innovation Room, we urge you to respond quickly!

For more information, please contact the Cyber Security Week’s Project Leader Mary-Jo de Leeuw via
T: +31 (0)6 28 101 441


On 16-17 April 2015 the Netherlands will host the fourth Global Conference on Cyberspace (GCCS2015) in The Hague. Representatives from governments, private sector and civil society will gather in order to promote practical cooperation in cyberspace, enhance cyber capacity building, and discuss norms for responsible behavior in cyberspace.

The Conference will seek to:
1.Support practical cooperation in cyberspace
2.Promote capacity building and knowledge exchange in cyberspace
3.Discuss norms for responsible behavior in cyberspace
More information: 

ONE Conference
At the NCSC ONE Conference leading experts and inspiring speakers will present a variety of topics in plenary sessions and parallel tracks. Technical subjects such as malware and monitoring, less technical subjects about organisational aspects of security and privacy, cybercrime and incident response cases, strategy & policy and public-private partnerships are amongst the topics you can choose from.

The ONE conference is organised in close cooperation with the Global Conference on Cyber Space (GCCS 2015), held at the same venue later that week. Joining the ONE conference provides unique opportunities to influence the agenda of the GCCS and thus to positively influence cyber security on a global scale.
More information:


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