Cyber Resilience Centre Greenport Shares Knowledge at Harry Wubben Flowers

07 dec 2023
Auteur: HSD Foundation

The Cyber Resilience Centre Greenport attended a meeting at Harry Wubben Flowers in Nootdorp this week. The meeting on digital security was organised by the Pijnacker-Nootdorp Municipality and Wageningen University & Research's Club of 100, a collaboration of suppliers for greenhouse horticulture. Over 30 horticulturists and growers visited this event, where digital resilience in the horticultural sector took center stage. 

Saskia Noordewier of the Cyber Resilience Centre Greenport engaged in a conversation with chrysanthemum grower Harry Wubben on stage about digital resilience in horticulture. She emphasised the growing importance for SMEs to take action when it comes to their cybersecurity, and that taking steps can begin on an individual level. Furthermore, she stressed the importance of approaching security on a sectoral level. 


"The fact that Royal FloraHolland is very active on this subject also shows the importance of cyber resilience in the chain." - Harry Wubben

The meeting at Harry Wubben Flowers was opened by team leader Eric Poot of Wageningen University & Research's (WUR) Horticulture and Flower Bulbs Business Unit. There were also presentations on digitalisation in horticulture. Anne Elings (WUR) talked about autonomous crop control - controlling the greenhouse climate by using AI) - and Jos Ruizendaal (WUR) discussed developments in the field of robotisation.

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