Overview of Concrete Opportunities for HSD Partners

25 okt 2014
Auteur: HSD Foundation

There are some concrete new opportunities for HSD partners. We have made a brief summary:

Call from STARS Sensor Technology
The 'Sensor Technology Applied in Reconfigurable Systems' (STARS) consortium conducts research on reconfigurable sensor technology. This consortium of businesses and research institutions is looking for entrepreneurs and knowledge institutions who can solve a number of specific problems for the consortium. 

Call from Dutch Fire Department
The Dutch fire department has a tantalising challenge for innovative entrepreneurs. They have approached the top sector HTS&M and the safety & security cluster with the query that they are looking for a solution that will help firefighters protect themselves from direct contact with a working Rescue Saw. The Rescue Saw easily penetrates the current protective gear of the fire fighters. The fire department wants to take preventive steps and is therefore looking for innovative solutions.

On 25 November a meeting is being organised by HTS&M, HSD SME Connect and other partners. During this meeting this query will be presented and explained. For more information, click here (in Dutch).

Opportunities in Brazil for Safety & Security Sector
In the morning of 13 November Mr. Nico Schietekatte, innovative attaché at the Dutch Embassy in Brazil, will be visiting the HSD Campus. According to him, there are a number of opportunities in Brazil for the safety & security sector, and he would like to exchange ideas and views on this topic with interested partners. If you are interested, please contact Jacob van der Vis (SME Connect).

Wanted: Partners to Develop and Integrate Sensors in Airships/Drones
A French SME, specialised in drones and airships, has developed automated airships for observations at low altitude for technical, scientific purposes, and for observing sensitive areas that are for example polluted or inaccessible. This SME is seeking partners for technical cooperation to develop and integrate sensors in airships. If you are interested, please contact Jacob van der Vis (SME Connect).


Event about Big Data
Is your business involved with big data? The Big Data Event "Modernisation of European Official Statistics through Big Data methodologies and best practices" could be of interest. This event is organised by Eurostat on 31 March & 1 April and will include expert lectures on the themes: Opportunities and methodological challenges of Big Data for official statistics and Big Data technologies and platforms for official statistics as well as highly interactive parallel sessions aiming to tackle issues identified in the Scheveningen Memorandum. 

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