Call: Start-up Mission Baden-Württemberg Summit in Germany

08 mei 2024
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Are you prepared to launch your business in Germany? Do you wish to do business, targeted networking or attract investors? No need to travel far when there are so many opportunities just across the border! Join RVO's start-up mission to the Start-up Baden-Württemberg Summit in Stuttgart.


Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) is organising this mission in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Dutch embassy in Berlin and the Netherlands Business Support Office (NBSO) Stuttgart. Invited are start-ups operating in the field of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Software and IT-Security, Life Sciences & Health (LSH), GreenTech and ImpactTech and Smart Mobility. 


You can participate if your start-ups meet the following requirements:

  • Your product or service is high-tech, innovative and potentially disruptive.
  • You have started, or are ready for, international scale-up.
  • Your start-up is registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce.

Important to note is that they also encourage female entrepreneurship! They do not select for participation by gender, but they challenge you to look within your own organisation for female participants for the mission.


Why participate?

By participating in this trade mission, you will gain access to the German market. This mission focuses on supporting fast-growing Dutch tech start-ups that want to do business internationally or are already doing so. Together, we put the Dutch start-up ecosystem on the map.


Discovery Tours BW

Prior to the Start-up BW Summit, two two-day 'Discovery Tours BW' will take place on 9 and 10 July exclusively for international start-ups participating in Start-up BW Summit. These tours will include visits to local tech ecosystems with a focus on getting to know, collaborate and network with hubs, German companies and knowledge institutions. See which organisations you will visit and indicate which tour (North or South) you prefer when registering.


Cost and participation:

Participation in this mission costs €500 excluding VAT per company. For this, a maximum of 2 people per company can participate. You can apply until Tuesday 21 May 2024 at the latest. Each person should apply separately. Please keep in mind that the main language of this mission is English.


More information

Click here for more information on this mission. Do you have any further questions? If so, please contact Marie-Jeannine Citroen (Project manager Startup BW Summit 2024) 



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