Before End of This Year New Tender for Cyber Security Research

31 okt 2013
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Following the successful first round for cyber security tenders, a second round is to be opened before the end of this year. The implementation of this tender, which is built around the new National Cyber Security Research Agenda (NCSRA-II), is led by AgentschapNL and NWO, the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research. The ministries of Security and Justice, Interior Affairs, Defence, Economic Affairs, Finance,Infrastructure and the Environment and NWO have allocated budget for this initiative. The publication of the Cyber Security Research agenda will be released on the 4th of November 2013.


Matchmaking event

NWO and Agentschap NL, with the help of amongst others the HSD SME support desk (MKB Connect), will be organising a matchmaking event to bring together a network of entrepreneurs, scientists, governments and agencies. The goal of the event is to form strong alliances with profound expertise, which are important aspects for the quality of the proposals for the tender. The matchmaking event will take place on 19 November 2013 from 12:00 to 19:00 in the Kyocera Stadium (ADO) in The Hague.


A concept version of the NCSRA-II is available on

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