WorldPensionSummit 2018
The WorldPensionSummit is the Global Platform for pension professionals and welcomes about 300 professionals from over 35 countries every year. The 2018 program will focus on ‘Investing with a sustainable perspective’. Both in plenary sessions and dedicated one hour tracks of choice we discuss the long-term components of vital ‘pension cross-roads’.
The pre-summit on 30 October, on Innovation and Security is co-hosted by the city of The Hague. We welcome an extremely critical and engaged audience of pension fund experts from around the globe. You will be in good company as the summits agenda this year is bursting with Innovation pro's: APG & PGGM Blockchain leads, Omers Ventures on Emerging Technologies, Robo-advisor solutions from France, Denmark and South Africa and the Cyber security panel led by PRI.