Workshop CBRN Network of Excellence

05 maart 2015
13:00u - 15:45u
HSD Campus, The Hague

Several HSD partners are active within the CBRN field. Each of these partners has a unique and substantial role in the CBRN response chain. Many partners are well connected to each other and are able to complement their expertise. However, there are gaps in knowledge and skills. Furthermore, within the region The Hague also other (international) organisations are active in the CBRN field.

By connecting via a CBRN network of excellence it is possible to achieve more impact on a national and international level. The benefits include more coordination regarding (inter)national innovation calls, more intense collaboration between CBRN partners in the international arena, and an innovation roadmap that can be included in the National Innovation Agenda Security. This can contribute to the ambition to be connected to new national and international developments regarding CBRN.

To promote this cooperation and to start with an innovation roadmap two workshops will be held at the HSD Campus (Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 104, The Hague). The first workshop took place on 8 December 2014. The second workshop will be on 5 March 2015.

Herewith, every HSD partner active in the CBRN field is invited to participate to these workshops. Also other organisations in the CBRN field that are not HSD partner are invited to participate. The contact person for the workshops is Mark van den Brink, telephone number 06-30158707. You can register yourself for these workshops by sending him an e-mail.

Betrokken HSD partners